How to Participate
Cumulus Green calls on all Cumulus students to submit their best work to help us achieve solutions to serve SDG3.
Participation means a chance to be recognized by the international community with a prize or honorable mention, and see your work celebrated in a digital global showcase.
Cumulus Green 2024 counts with a prestigious global jury from academia and practice with experts in various field in relation to health and well-being. The competition is produced in a strategic partnership between Cumulus and The One Club for Creativity in US and leverages their award-winning submission and judging platform. The competition is administered by the Cumulus Secretariat with support of Cumulus Executive Board.

Submission Categories
Cumulus Green 2024 wants to encourage innovative solutions that relate to one or more of the following 3 categories:
Projects that illustrate how artifacts (products, communications, interactions, etc.) can embody well-being and health.
Projects that organize and improve the quality and interactions of human experiences with health and well-being. Services may focus on one or more of the following: people, infrastructure, institutions, and communications.
Projects that utilize design research and strategy to showcase multi-component elements that are interconnected and integrated solutions for well-being and health as consumption, distribution and as a state of affairs. Projects in this category may have widespread applications that rely on a wide range of formats and design disciplines.

Entry Expectations
The jury will be looking to reward submissions that represent the best work according to the following criteria:
- Desirable, viable and feasible design(s)
- Evidence of a rigorous research process informing the design solution proposed
- Innovative/Novel solutions

Participation Eligibility
The competition is open to students from Cumulus member institutions in all disciplines in art, design and media who are pursuing either a Bachelor level or Master level program.
Students that are currently enrolled in Cumulus member institutions or students who have graduated in 2022–2023 and/or are graduating in 2023–2024 are eligible to participate.
There is no limitation in the number of submissions per institution, and there is no cost to submit.
Entries must be comprised of work that is original; individuals and/ or teams must hold the Intellectual Property for their submissions and have the right to enter and publish the submitted work. Submitted work may not be produced using generative artificial intelligence systems.
Apart from the contact and school information, we expect to receive the following:
1. Short project description in English (No more than 140 characters)
2. Overview About Your Solution in English (500 words or less)
3. Please give the jury a brief idea about your entry solution Questions you
may consider to include:
What opportunity was the project addressing?
Who were you designing for?
What was your research process?
What was the intended impact?
4. Project Images (At least one (1) and maximum of five (5))
Upload images that best illustrate your project and, if possible, the process
and intended impact of your work. Project Images must be either JPEG, GIF
or PNG formats. The maximum image dimension is 3000 pixels tall or wide
and the maximum individual file size is 15MB.
5. Project Video (Optional)
Tell us the story behind your project in no more than 2 minutes;
How you approach, it is up to you!
Length: 2 minutes or less
Maximun size: 200M
Video ratio: 16:9
Resolution: Full HD 1920×1080
Format: mp4

Awards and Exhibition
Cumulus Green 2024 invites the next generation of committed designers at Cumulus member institutions to be recognized by all Cumulus members on a global stage. The competition will reward the top entries with 3 different categories of prizes and with honorable mentions.
Please note that the three (3) prize categories of winning submissions will not necessarily correspond to the 3 formats invited (products, services, and systems). This means that the Cumulus Green 2024 jury will evaluate entries first and foremost based on the criteria outlined (see entry expectations section) and select winners amongst the strongest projects.
Winning submissions will be unveiled to coincide with Cumulus conference in Mexico in October 16-18, 2024. Winners will be notified by the end of September 2024 and included in a global press release that Cumulus will be disseminating widely. Students whose work is selected by the jury will gain many opportunities to see their designs showcased to a global audience through the Cumulus network and social media channels. The winners will be invited to join the award ceremony in October and are subject to one’s own travel arrangements.
1st Prize
3,000 €
2nd Prize
2,000 €
3rd Prize
1,000 €
Honorable Mentions

Competition Announcement
March 2024
Jury Announcement
April 2024
Submission Portal Open
April 2024
Submission Due
9 June 2024 23:59 Helsinki, Finland (EET)
Jury Deliberations
End of September 2024
Notifications to the Winners
Early October 2024
Award Ceremony
16-18 October 2024